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Secure Access Made Simple

We’re excited to announce that Twingate is now available in the Kandji Auto App Store, bringing our cutting-edge security and seamless remote access solutions directly to Kandji users. This integration marks a significant step forward in making network security more accessible and easier to manage for businesses of all sizes. By joining forces with Kandji, we’re enabling IT teams to deploy Twingate’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution effortlessly, ensuring that remote work remains secure and efficient.

Streamlined Deployment for IT Teams

The integration of Twingate into the Kandji Auto App Store is all about making life easier for IT administrators. With just a few clicks, you can now deploy Twingate across all managed devices within your organization, significantly reducing the time and effort traditionally required for setup. This streamlined process means that your team can focus more on strategic initiatives rather than spending hours on configuring and managing network access.

Once deployed, Twingate automatically configures itself on each device, ensuring that users can securely connect to corporate resources without having to deal with complicated setups. This not only enhances security but also boosts productivity, as users can access what they need with minimal disruption. The combination of Kandji’s robust device management capabilities and Twingate’s secure access ensures that your organization’s network remains protected, no matter where your employees are working from.

Enhanced Security and User Experience

In today’s increasingly remote work environment, securing access to company resources is more important than ever. Traditional VPNs can be cumbersome and often fall short in providing the necessary security for a distributed workforce. Twingate’s Zero Trust approach offers a more modern, secure alternative, ensuring that every connection is verified and that only authorized users gain access to sensitive data.

With Twingate available in the Kandji Auto App Store, businesses can now easily implement this advanced security solution across their entire network. This integration not only simplifies the management of network access but also significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. By leveraging the power of Twingate and Kandji together, companies can ensure that their remote work infrastructure is both secure and user-friendly, providing peace of mind to both IT teams and end-users alike.

Looking Forward

The integration of Twingate into the Kandji Auto App Store is just the beginning of our ongoing efforts to make network security more accessible and manageable. We’re committed to continuously enhancing our platform to meet the evolving needs of our users, and this partnership with Kandji is a significant milestone in that journey.

We’re thrilled to bring Twingate to the Kandji Auto App Store, making it easier than ever for businesses to secure their remote access. Whether you’re an existing Kandji user or new to Twingate, this integration offers a seamless way to enhance your network security and ensure your team can work safely from anywhere. Explore the benefits of Twingate on Kandji today and take the next step in securing your organization’s digital infrastructure.